Quarter Page

The Gray Matter Quarter Page Ads are display ads that will cover a quarter (1/4 ) of the newspaper. Quarter Page Ads will take up approx. 400sq. cm for ad space.

₹20,000/ Insert


Height Width Format Resolution
17.47cm 11.43cm 300DPI
For Further Enquiries
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Additional Instructions

Additional Instructions:

- Custom Sized Ads: ₹100 per sq. cm
- First-timer Discount- 10%
- Regular Customer Discount- 25% (After 3 ads or more)

Horizontal Half-Page Dimensions:

- Height- 17.47 cm
- Width- 11.43 cm
- Unit- cm

Art Work Submission Deadline:

Creative should be received by the ops team 48 hours prior to the campaign going live. Creative should be received before 5 pm, which is to be shared with the publication for approval. Any changes related to the campaign must be informed 72 hours prior to the campaign going live. No creative work will be done on Saturday and Sunday.